Thursday, October 30, 2014

Smallish Post 3

I found the article written in the Ensign in 1984 about the Church and computers to be very fascinating. It was interesting to see how the Church viewed technology at the computers beginning stages. The statements that President Kimball had were relevant then and continue to be relevant now even though he had no idea what computers had in store for society. In the article it stated that the Church was able to index 70,000,000 names when in this year we were able to index over 5,000,000 names in one day. That is incredible to me! I also found it interesting that President Kimball gave some warning about technology and the reliance on it. He warned Church leadership to not rely so heavily on technology and to remember to focus on spiritual promptings. Now the Church Authorities are asking us to use technology wisely and still warning us about being engulfed in technology and putting so much of our life focus into computers.


  1. I think this is a great post. It is interesting to look at the past and reflect on the progress of technology as it corresponds to the growth of the church. In fact I think it is incredible to look at it with the lens on that - technology is inspired from God. That is awesome to me. It also gives me hope that I will find/create a job for myself where I am really doing something that will be for the lasting benefit of mankind.

  2. While it is hard to tell what the future has in store in the realm of technology, the prophets are right to warn us to tread carefully. Technology provides a major benefit to mankind, and also the work of the Lord, but an over-reliance on it can easily lead to vice or loss of direction.
