Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Smallish Post 6

A friend and I were discussing a topic similar to the reading due on 11/20. We were discussing whether the advancements of technology is a good or bad thing. I was thinking about how it scares me how dependent society is on technology and how much it has infiltrated everyday tasks in our lives. My friend reminded me that it can be detrimental specifically when it hurts relationships between people. I love how David A. Bednar illustrated this in his devotional talk, Things as They Really Are" and warned us to use technology wisely. I also loved how it said that technologies can connect us with people around the world and equally isolate us from people within our own home. Technology can be so beneficial to us and especially the advancement of sharing the gospel and I think that fact is important to remember as we use our devices.


  1. I agree, we need to use technology for specific purposes that help us and those around us rather than being consumed by it and losing balance in our lives

  2. You are right, Jillian. I had a roommate who does not have a Facebook account. He mentioned how it was difficult to keep in touch with some people — but I always noticed how he was able to read more, serve more, and enjoy aspects of life that I chose to spend online. Interesting how much that single choice has made such a difference in his life!

  3. Agreed. I think it can be OK to let your phone die for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, we need to untangle ourselves from our technology a little to get to that point.
